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The value of having a diagnostic assessment cannot be underestimated. It is not about labels or putting people into boxes. You don’t need to take our word for it – read what our clients have discovered for themselves in our Testimonials.

Having a diagnosis often marks the start of discovery, understanding where your strengths lie and how these can be used, as well as understanding why certain tasks may be more of a challenge or frustrating. For many it offers clarity and some describe a sense of relief. 

Our Diagnostic Assessment offers an in-depth assessment of cognitive functions and attainment levels using a range of recognised tests (approved by the Specific Learning Differences (SpLD) Assessment Standards Committee) to inform diagnosis of a SpLD.

Depending on outcomes from the initial pre-assessment screening, assessments will examine - verbal reasoning - nonverbal reasoning - working memory - processing speed - listening comprehension - phonological processing - word recognition - literacy skills – reading comprehension - speed of writing - fine motor control. Supplemental screening and testing will be carried out where appropriate. Where characteristics associated with other neurodiverse conditions (e.g. ADHD, Autism) are identified, an onward referral will be advised.

A comprehensive report is then prepared, providing a picture of strengths and weaknesses. Outcomes from the diagnostic assessment are used to inform recommendations for specific reasonable adjustments and supports for employees in the workplace &/or students in a learning context.

Our positive person-centred approach means you will always be provided with a draft report prior to it being finalised and sent onto to any third parties, and always with consent. If required a separate ‘employer’ report can be provided on request.

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This involves an assessment of an individual’s working environment, including engaging with the individual and where appropriate their line manager, in order to determine any impact and identify specific challenges being encountered in the workplace.

Recommendations to inform specific reasonable adjustments and minimise difficulties are presented in a report to support each individual employee and their employer implement the most appropriate workplace supports and adjustments.



This involves working 1:1 with an individual to create a tailored approach which identifies practical solutions and develops skills and strategies in specific areas, such as, reading, writing, active listening, organisation, time management, stress management. 

These sessions focus on enhancing confidence and improving productivity. By developing skills using practical evidence-based strategies, confidence and performance improves.



With over 15 years’ experience developing, implementing and supporting a wide range of strategic Organisational Development and Human Resource projects in selection & assessment; talent management; executive development; employee engagement; cultural development, we can also provide specialist services in the following areas:

  • Design, delivery, centre management, quality assurance, assessor training of Assessment Development Centres (A/DCs) for development, selection and promotion;

  • Cultural development projects, design & development of organisational values, behavioural frameworks;

  • Design, delivery & evaluation of staff surveys;

  • Leadership Development (across all levels), Emotional Intelligence targeted development activities, 1-to-1 coaching, Executive Coaching;

  • Design & delivery of selection processes, including national recruitment campaigns;

  • Advisor & certified RQTU psychometric practitioner Level A & B (EQ-i 2.0, EQ360, MBTI, 16PF, WG-CTA, SWIFT).

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